45% of children die around the world due to hunger-related diseases? Around seven hundred children around the world die every day as a result of unhygienic living conditions, and dirty water. The main problem with food is not with lack of production, but with the availability and accessibility of food which is majorly disrupted by climatic conditions, gender, food waste, conflict, and others. In today’s world, where war leads the world toward inflation, resolving hunger is extremely difficult. PayBito has a mission and offers the brokers to work and whatever commissions they earn, PayBito will use the same amount to feed the hungry around the world.
Paybito is a US-based global exchange platform that has introduced the world’s first-ever crypto broker platform for entrepreneurs, and institutional investors. Like several other SaaS products that the company offers, the crypto broker platform provides the crypto brokers with an opportunity to start their own businesses with an instant branded crypto exchange. Cryptocurrencies have evolved over the years, and today it has managed to attract millions of investors into the industry. While 300 million crypto owners are already existing in the world, the demand for crypto brokers is on the rise.
HashCash CEO Raj Chowdhury stated, “The crypto broker segment holds tremendous sway in mainstream adoption of digital assets. The instant-access feature in PayBito’s crypto broker platform puts the power back in the hands of entrepreneurs with foresight.” However, the brand new product is not only for business, as Chowdhury added, “PayBito has long identified that even with enough food produced in the world, around 828 million people are still, hungry. It’s about time to address the issues, and become a part of the global movement”.
World hunger was rapidly decreasing for a few years, however, things took a turn when the global covid pandemic hit. Today, around 10% of people around the world are suffering from hunger problems. Hunger can create huge health problems, especially in women and children. According to surveys, fourteen million children around the world are suffering from severe acute malnutrition. Between 2019 to 2022, there were 150 million undernourished people which was largely a result of climate change, covid pandemic, and conflict.
In an unequal world like ours, hunger is about power. People who have power determine who eats, and who doesn’t. Today, not only our world is unequal, but the people on the other side of the bar, the women, the refugees, and the underprivileged are abandoned from better jobs, services, and above all resources. Research from 2021 shows, 2.3 billion people around the world lack access to nutritional food. Did you know that 8% of people around the world will suffer from undernourishment in 2030? The conflict, climate change, and inequity are the hardest on women. In 90% of the countries, women are responsible to gather and prepare food, yet they eat the least and at last.
“Aa woman in Somalia, who has no food or breastmilk left to feed her young kids due to severe drought.”
“A mother of seven children in Madagaskar fed her seven children a cooked paste of tamarind mixed in ashes which is not healthy but better than sleeping empty stomach.”
“A family in India sends their daughters to a food bazaar after midnight to collect the remains of rice left on the ground so that they could eat cooked rice as a meal as they are suffering from poverty.”
Inequity, Conflict, Climate change, Disaster, and poverty are some of the main causes of hunger today. While many organizations have taken initiatives, PayBito has come up with a unique solution where your hard work can save a child’s life. PayBito doesn’t promise to eradicate hunger, but can definitely bring a change and minimize it.
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If you are a crypto broker looking forward to starting your own business, PayBito’s crypto broker platform offers you the opportunity with a readymade exchange, over four hundred crypto markets, multiple crypto assets, fiat currencies, and most importantly high liquidity pool. Every dollar brokers earn as a commission will change the life of a hungry kid somewhere in the world.
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